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  • emergency communications center

B: Mutualink Enables Fusion Center’s Critical Incident Response

Mutualink rapidly connects multiple entities to provide real-time data in the event of a critical incident. Collaborating entities include: law enforcement, local and state utilities, health care providers, emergency response teams, and private businesses. Real Scenarios Public safety during a hurricane in Jacksonville, Florida Crime prevention in Atlantic city, NJ The Objective Create a temporary, opt-in, communication hub to address an in-progress incident now! The Challenge Multiple safety entities—both public and private—have their own monitoring...

December 8th, 2021|

B: 5 Ways Drones Help Police Manage Crowds and Civil Demonstrations

Mutualink Interoperability Mutualink enables first responders from every discipline (Fire & Rescue, Police, Park Police, Homeland Security, and federal agencies to communicate cross-functionally in real-time with each other and with command centers. The Scenario 11,000 people attended an All Lives Matter demonstration in Troy, NY June 2018. The Objective Ensure the safety of attendees, organizers, onsite sponsors, business owners, first responders, and the community at large during the demonstration. The Challenge Monitoring mass gatherings in...

December 8th, 2021|
  • school administrators discussing disaster communications plan

B: The Only Certified System Used for School Safety and Public Safety

When implementing a disaster communications plan, it’s important to work with trusted providers. Learn more about why Safety Act certification is important to protecting the public and making communities more resilient. Preparing a disaster communications plan for school security requires several steps. [...]

December 3rd, 2021|
  • True Interoperability®: with more connectivity than any other company

B: Mutualink–Who We Are

An Introduction to Mutualink True Interoperability®: with more connectivity than any other company Mutualink is the leading provider of a best-in-class multimedia interoperability platform LNK360™. LNK360™ enables public safety agencies and enterprise security to share voice, video, and data for improved cross-agency communications. Mutualink is trusted by partners such as ATT FirstNet and Verizon FrontLine, and clients including law enforcement and first responders. Mutualink provides secure, scalable solutions that public safety officials rely on during...

December 2nd, 2021|
  • Elementary children in safe classroom setting

B: Setting the Record Straight on School Safety Alert Systems

There’s more to school safety alert systems than you think. In this article, we clear up some common misunderstandings that stand in the way of responding to school shootings and making schools safer. By: Jeff Kelly, National Director Campus Safety K-12 and Higher Education Here are two well known facts: School safety alert systems enable effective responses to school shootings. Alyssa’s Law in Florida (and other states) requires schools to implement a mobile panic button...

November 24th, 2021|
  • Prevent school shootings with Mutualink solutions

B: Best Panic Button Solutions: Here’s What You Need to Know

Every child deserves their school to have the best technology available to keep them safe. This article reviews how to compare panic button applications and provides guidance for school safety officials. By: Jeff Kelly, National Director Campus Safety K-12 and Higher Education There is an urgent need for panic button systems for K-12 school security. There have been at least 23 shootings this school year as of Oct. 11, according to Education Week. Federal and...

October 28th, 2021|
  • Police office with radio in ear

B: 3 Ways Interoperability in Law Enforcement Improves Response

When responding to emergency situations, sharing rich, multimedia information is critical to saving lives – both police and civilians. Here are three ways interoperability in law enforcement improves police response and brings people together to make communities safer. by Dan Willingham, Mutualink Executive Director SLED Sales Traditionally, police officers roll up to emergencies with little information. Despite best efforts by dispatchers, in many situations, officers only have minimal information provided by the caller and shared...

October 26th, 2021|

B: Cross-Border Communication Saves Lives

Canada and the United States share the world’s longest undefended border of 5,525 miles along the 49th parallel. This peaceful relationship has allowed for significant trade and people to cross the border for recreation and commerce. With thousands of commercial trucks crossing the Ambassador Bridge every day, the Ministry of Transportation has identified the Windsor-Detroit gateway as Canada’s busiest land border crossing. Running beneath the Detroit River, the Michigan Central Railway Tunnel facilitates the crossing...

October 22nd, 2021|
  • Invest in Emergency Communications to Build a More Resilient Canada

B: Invest in Emergency Communications to Build a More Resilient Canada

Our nation’s firefighters are facing an unprecedented wildfire situation as catastrophic events like floods, droughts, heat waves, and powerful storms become more frequent and increasingly dangerous. Still, our firefighters continue to respond, supporting all hazards situations. Shouldn’t we ensure they have the tools they need to communicate in an emergency? Early situational awareness and comprehensive, interoperable communications across all levels of government and emergency response are critical for agencies across Canada. Mutualink’s LNK360™ platform, recently...

October 22nd, 2021|

B: Top Funding Sources for School Safety Technology

School Safety: Top 5 Funding Sources for First Responder Alert System School administrators tasked with keeping children as safe as possible need ready access to funding sources for safety systems like alerting and panic button technology. This article helps sort through the funding maze and offers guidance to help communities improve school safety. By: Sonya Richmond, Grant Information Manager, Mutualink Although there was a brief respite from school violence due to the coronavirus pandemic as...

October 11th, 2021|
  • Mutualink Emergency Response Team logo

B: Emergency Response Team for Inauguration Law Enforcement Support

Emergency Response Team Available for Inauguration Law Enforcement Support (Get Ready for Civil Unrest with Super-Charged Communications) "To go forward at all is to go forward together." - Richard Nixon in his inauguration speech, 1969 Inauguration Day isn't always marked by unity. Inauguration Day 2021 will more likely be remembered as a day of civil unrest. Civil unrest isn't always meant as a direct challenge to law enforcement. Its target is often political change. But...

January 11th, 2021|