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safety and security

  • school safety emergency

B: School Safety – How Automated Response is Changing the Game

When responding to a school safety emergency, time is of the essence. The more information you have at your fingertips, the quicker you can respond and resolve the incident. By: Mutualink Staff School Shootings Reach an All-Time High More school shootings were recorded in 2021 than at any time since data started being collected, according to NewsNation and Education Week: 34,000 children were exposed to gun violence 249 incidents 34 school shootings resulting in injury...

March 8th, 2022|

B: 5 Ways Drones Help Police Manage Crowds and Civil Demonstrations

Mutualink Interoperability Mutualink enables first responders from every discipline (Fire & Rescue, Police, Park Police, Homeland Security, and federal agencies to communicate cross-functionally in real-time with each other and with command centers. The Scenario 11,000 people attended an All Lives Matter demonstration in Troy, NY June 2018. The Objective Ensure the safety of attendees, organizers, onsite sponsors, business owners, first responders, and the community at large during the demonstration. The Challenge Monitoring mass gatherings in...

December 8th, 2021|
  • school administrators discussing disaster communications plan

B: The Only Certified System Used for School Safety and Public Safety

When implementing a disaster communications plan, it’s important to work with trusted providers. Learn more about why Safety Act certification is important to protecting the public and making communities more resilient. Preparing a disaster communications plan for school security requires several steps. [...]

December 3rd, 2021|
  • Hurricane Sandy

Manage Constant Change & Increasing Complexity

Public safety agencies have a problem. They have to find new ways to deal with constant change and increasing complexity. Constant change and increasing complexity assault your operational effectiveness and make your job harder every day. The arrow of time moves us forward into an inexplicable future. Disasters (natural or man-made), terrorism, fires, floods, and all sorts of events and incidents will continue to happen locally, regionally and nationally. All of these events have been...

November 14th, 2016|