Sheriff Schuster Introduces Mutualink Program into Mohave County Schools | Published by The Bee News


“Save minutes, when seconds count.” is the mission of Mutualink Inc., a school safety interoperability solution selected by Sheriff Doug Schuster to better serve our community and add protection to our youth. The State of Arizona passed Senate Bill 1823 in 2021 and Senate Bill 1729 in 2022 providing a school safety interoperability solution within each county of Arizona at no cost to our school districts, law enforcement agencies or the local taxpayers. Mutualink was selected in 10 Arizona counties for their school
safety communication needs.

The Mohave County Sheriff’s Office has partnered with Mutualink to incorporate their solution into our local schools and law enforcement within Mohave County. Mutalink’s solution will provide our schools the ability to have an emergency button accessible by school staff that will create a radio gateway to their local law enforcement communications center and responding first responders. This capability will allow the school staff to provide real time crucial information to our emergency response units in the event of a critical incident. The Mutualink software will allow first responders to communicate with the school’s staff involved in the incident to provide firsthand pertinent information for responding law enforcement to effectively plan and approach the incident with the appropriate resources to mitigate the situation in a quick, yet safe manner.

Sheriff Doug Schuster is pleased to announce that 11 of the 14 public school districts have opted into the program, as well as many of the charter and Christian schools within our county. Mohave County Sheriff’s Office and Mutualink have worked with our law enforcement agencies and school districts to get equipment ordered, installed, and training to effectively implement the solution. The next phase to complete within the upcoming months will be our end-to-end testing, where law enforcement and school districts will come together for a simulated exercise to ensure that personnel have a full understanding and become comfortable with the product in the event of an emergency situation.

With safety being the Mohave County Sheriff’s Office top priority, we are always looking for better ways to keep our community safe with new technology. Sheriff Doug Schuster encourages schools or school districts who are interested in the program to please contact the Mohave County Sheriff’s Office at 928-753-0753 Ext. 4010 or email us at

Published On: May 16th, 2024 / By / Categories: Press Releases, Arizona, School Safety /